Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 22

We got up early again this morning, free breakfast in the hotel at 6:00, and then hit the road. Today our drive up to our beach house in Lincoln City is a little more than 8 hours. We had some rainy weather throughout the drive but it was a beautiful drive nonetheless. We arrived at the house at 4:15, and the Karayannis' got in around 6:30. It was great to be here and get the fun part of our vacation started. Cameron was such a good boy in the car both days of driving. He really didn't complain at all and was so patient. Here he is playing with Mickey to pass the time.

June 21

We hit the road at about 6:15 this morning and drove a little more than 9 hours to Red Bluff, CA. We didn't have to stop as frequently as we thought we would and we arrived to our hotel at about 5:00. We found a great little pizza place for dinner and then settled down for a good nights sleep before the second half of our drive tomorrow.

June 20

T-Ball night! Tonight was the Cardinals' first game. The games just consist of each team taking turns for each player to hit in an inning and then easy kids runs the bases after their hit while the other team "fields" the ball, and of course there is no score. It was so cute. Here's Cameron during his first at bat of the game.

Waiting for his turn to bat during the second inning.

Here are Cameron and Caleb while we are packing the 15 passenger van for our vacation. We leave super early tomorrow morning to drive up to Oregon.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 19

We went up the hill again to spend some time with Grandmama and Grandpapa today. I went in to check out what the kids were up to while they were playing in Grandmama and Grandpapa's bedroom and discovered this little fort they had built.

Here they all are inside together watching a movie on the iPad. 

June 18

T-Ball night. I am in love with this picture of Caleb and Cameron. I think the way Cameron is looking up at Caleb is so sweet with the sun shining on his face. 

Time for a little rest. Aside from the fact that he's the only one sitting down, notice he's also facing in the opposite direction of everyone else.

The caption in my head for this one read; "It's ok bro, you'll get 'em next time."

June 17

Carter is really starting to enjoy interacting with the fun toys on his activity mat. His favorite things on there is a cute little cat that sings and alternates colors. He loves watching it and has now started smiling and talking to it as well. It's so sweet to watch. 

June 16

Here's our sweet little sleeping twisty froggy leg boy. 

June 15

Cameron being a silly boy on the stairs. This also highlights his desire to put on socks slippers and his belt whenever he's at home. 

June 14

Tonight I had a fun cousin dinner with Malinda and Wendy, while the Caleb had a boys night at home. After they ate dinner Caleb made he and Cameron some popcorn, turned off all the lights and tghey watched WALL-E on the TV. 

June 13

Tonight it's my turn for T-Ball snacks. I got the kiddies some goldfish, dried apple slices and an apple juice box. I wish I would have made one of these bags for myself too!

Mam Maw, Mee Maw, Grandpa Jim, Nana & Grampy came to watch Cameron's T-Ball practice tonight. So after practice was over everyone came over to the house for some pizza. Mam Maw got in some good Carter time after dinner. 

June 12

We wanted to get in a full family day at Disneyland with Caleb before we leave on our trip next week now that he's out of school. Here's Cameron with a big hug for Russell at California Adventure. 

June 11

Cute stretching boy at T-Ball.

Carter checking out his hoopy loopy monkey toy in his car seat. 

June 10

Today Cameron played for quite some time with his train tracks and when I went there to check it out he had done a really great job putting them together all by himself. He asked me if I wanted to play tracks with him so I thought I would help get everything connected, because several little sections he had put together weren't connected to anything. So we got everything put together and used every single piece of track that he has. Needless to say neither one of us wanted to tear this down right away so it stayed there on his floor for a few days.

June 9

One of Cameron's favorite things to take pictures of is himself. When he first started taking his own pictures his self portraits were either was up close to one of his face parts or he would just get a tiny little part of his face off to the side of the picture. He's getting a lot better at holding it just right so most of his face makes it in. This picture also shows the last few days of his first black eye. Several days ago while taking a bath in my bathtub he lost his balance and he caught himself on the side of the tub with his right eye instead of with his hands. It took a couple of days but bruised up pretty well and lasted about a week. 

June 8

Today was Caleb's last day of school. He went in early this morning and as soon as he got checked out he cam on home. Then we all drove up the hill to spend the rest of the day at Grandmama and Grandpapa's house. Caleb and Jon went to see Prometheus in the afternoon, which I wanted no part of seeing, while Cindie and I stayed at the house with all the kiddies. Then close to dinner time Shen and London came up for a little while as well. We had a great time up there, Cameron loves playing with Miles and Layla and as you can see Granmama loves cuddling with Carter. 

June 7

Cameron spent some time walking around taking pictures today, so I thought I would snap my own picture of said activity. 

June 6

Time to stretch it out at T-Ball. Cameron's there on the left and right in front of him is Coach Brian. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 5

Today Cameron and I went to Disneyland again. Cameron likes to try out benches when we walk past them,  so I thought I would try to take a cute shot of the two of us. Not bad for a self taken phone picture! 

June 4

Tonight was Cameron's first night of T-Ball. Here he is wearing his Cardinals shirt and Quakes hat (The RC Quakes donate hats for all the kids). We also got him that cute new glove, which he loves wearing.

His turn to hit. 

Got a little part of the tee there but he did a great job hitting.

June 3

Today Caleb and I went to an SCPA meeting in Santa Ana and left the boys with my parents. Nana too Cameron over to Target for some new coloring books and crayons, and they found these Cars watercolor books as well. Cameron has so much fun painting with these and he does a very good job not making a big mess too. 

June 2

Today Cameron decided to draw a picture of his cousin Aaron. He drew the body and face, then said, "Mommy I need to draw some cheeks," and then wrote Aaron's name at the bottom after asking me how to spell it. 

June 1

Tonight we went over to the park by Shenan & Chris' house for a nighttime movie in the park. They were showing the Muppet's tonight, but Cameron and London were more interested in running around on the grass, which is fun to watch as well. Cameron made sure to take regular popcorn breaks. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

May 31

Smiles and giggles before bedtime. Often times the few minutes up in our room before I start feeding Carter for bedtime is his happiest and most interactive time. 

May 30

We had a big Costco list, and my parents had a pretty descent sized one too. So I left the boys with my dad this afternoon and went for both of us. Good thing I remembered to take the stroller out of my trunk before I left. That's a lot of stuff, I think my car scraped on the way out of the parking lot! 

May 29

Cameron drew a cute little face while he was taking a bath tonight.

May 28

I was playing around with the camera on my phone tonight. I was trying to use the front facing camera to take a cute picture of Cameron and I, and while I did end up with 6 pictures of us this truly is the best one. 

May 27

Oops, never leave your wallet unattended around Cameron folks. Here he is digging around in Caleb's wallet, I think he's trying to find something he can use to buy more apps on his iPad.

May 26

Cameron snuggling with his Daddy during an Angels game. 

May 25

Carter started sucking his thumb a couple days ago. It sometimes takes him a few minutes to get it in his mouth right, but as soon as it gets in there he starts drifting off to sleep. It's awfully cute. 

May 24

Here he is the next day taking a much needed long nap at NanaGrampy's house. 

May 23

Today Cameron got out his Francesco remote control car and said he wanted to drive him until his batteries ran out. So he parked himself on the stairs and had him driving around and around in circles. He didn't make it long enough for his batteries to run out but he did drive him for about 10 minutes straight. 

Tonight while Cameron and I were eating dinner he started to nod off at the table. I looked at him and asked him if he was tired and all he did was shake his head no. He then silently got down out of his chair and noticed Carter laying on his activity mat. He walked over and laid down to talk to him and was asleep literally about 10 seconds later. He slept there for 2 hours until Caleb got home and then we took him straight up to bed.

May 22

Here's another Cameron photo. I love this artistic shot of Woody and Mr. Potato Head. 

May 21

We were supposed to be home this afternoon from Vegas to pick the boys up from my parents house. Our 2:30 flight was delayed about 4 times and turned into an 8:30 flight so we didn't get up so my parents house until about 10. Luckily we were notified of all the delays while we were still at our hotel so we were able to eat a nice lunch and then we went to see a movie. Cameron was zonked out on the couch when we got there, poor little guy.

May 20

This weekend Caleb had a meeting in Las Vegas, and he talked me into joining him so we could get away for a couple days. This is so much earlier than I left Cameron overnight for the first time and it's for 2 nights! Sunday evening we wanted to go see a show and it just so happened that the Billboard music awards were there so we thought it would be a fun and unique experience. During the awards show they had a really nice Whitney Houston tribute performance. During that they turned of all the lights and asked everyone to turn on the finger flashlights that were passed out at the entrance. 

May 19

This morning I woke up and this little rascal had gotten his arm out of his swaddle over night. I guess it was too loose! Take a look at that chubby little arm! 

May 18

Smiley bath time boy. He is really enjoying his baths now, which is so much better than him screaming the whole time. He sure melts me with his sweet smiles. 

May 17

Look at how big those feet are getting! Cameron setting his iPad on a pillow on his lap to read a book just like his nana does. 

May 16

I got this new activity mat for Carter, it's super cute and Cameron was excited to crawl in there with him. It's hard to tell who likes it more.

May 15

Cameron took this picture on his camera (an old point and shoot of mine that I let him start using when I got a new one.) He loves walking around the house and taking pictures of people and things. He's getting a lot better and holding the camera up long enough for camera to actually take the picture.

May 14

Cameron probably gives Carter and average of 50 kisses a day, and his favorite time to get those kisses in is while Carter is having some play time on the floor.