Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 24

Cameron's new step stool for downstairs finally came today. With the two steps he has a much easier time reaching the water and soap to wash his hands. I was hoping for a black one but was unable to find one like this, but the white looks really good in there too.

August 23

This is Cameron's little ceramic piggy bank. He painted in March at Aaron's birthday party in Virginia, a Toy Story theme, so naturally he named it Hamm after the pig in Toy Story. He chose all those colors himself and is very proud of Hamm. Every night when he has his night time ritual with Daddy he picks Hamm up to look at him and kiss him goodnight. He still remembers and usually tells us that he painted Hamm at Aunite's house, which is very cute. A couple months ago he dropped Hamm, but thankfully he made it through with no more than a chipped ear. For the most part now Cameron is very careful with him and uses two hands, because he was very distraught that Hamm got hurt and was broken.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 22

Here's my silly goof pretending to sleep on the shower floor after our shower this morning.

August 21

Here is a game of Words with Friends that I just finished up with Chris tonight. This is the best I have every played against him! He normally completely creams me, but look at that...that's only 55 points! That's a victory in my eyes!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 20

Dinner with NanaGrampy at Harry's tonight. Last time we went with Kim, Chris & Aaron, Kim ordered the build your own pizza for Aaron. It looked to fun, that I wanted to get it for Cameron the next time we came. They bring it to the table with some cheese and pepperoni to add, and sauce already on the dough. Cameron put all that cheese there, with some help from Grampy, and here he is placing out his pepperoni. Then they come pick it up and take it back to cook it. So fun!

August 19

Just in case you can't tell from the little smile on his face, he's just pretending to be asleep. He piled all the pillows up on top of himself and then wanted his blanket over him so he could go to bed.

August 18

My dad took this cute picture today of Cameron. After he woke up from his nap he asked Grampy if they could stay up in his room to play. That's his little rocking Giraffe that he was giving hugs to.

August 17

Tonight I was playing on my iPad, so Cameron got his and cuddled up with me to play on his iPad. Too bad I didnt make myself look cuter today, because that would have been a pretty cute picture.

August 16

It's cousin night, which Uncle Aaron has started joining us for whenever he can. Tonight he let Cameron play with his tie, he was quite proud of himself when he was wearing it.

August 15

I had to work late today, and Caleb had a lot to do after school today, including making a run to Staples. Thankfully Staples is right near Panera and he picked us all up some dinner, since we both didn't get home until after 7. Whenever Cameron seem a Panera bag he starts asking for macaroni & cheese right away, it's so cute.

August 14

After our regular shows ended for the season Caleb and I started watching Lost from the beginning on Netflix streaming. Today we had a lazy pj day since we didn't have anywhere to go, and we decided to have a Lost marathon. We watch 12 episodes today and finished up season 2! It's very good, and pretty much every episode ends with a cliffhanger which makes it hard to not keep watching it.

August 13

Look at that! Today I hit 100,000 miles on my car, I really wanted to get a picture of it right when it said 100,000 but I was driving and that's not allowed. But that looks pretty cool too right? It's been 5 years since we bought my car, so I guess I drive a pretty consistent 20,000 miles a year. It doesn't feel like I have had it for that long, it's still running great.

August 12

Here is my silly boy trying to walk in my boots Friday morning before leaving for work. This action shot was caught mid fall.

August 11

Whenever Cameron is at home he wears his big boy underwear and uses his potty. So to be able to wash his hands downstairs he needed a little step stool. I couldn't find a nice two step one like I wanted at Target so I got this little cheap $5 one for him to use in the meantime. It's not quite tall enough for him to reach the sink comfortably but it will work for now. He thought it seemed like a good hiding place when he saw it.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

August 10

These are the little magnets we use to open our child proof cabinets. I seem to have a recurring problem in that I often drop these on the tile. Well I finally dropped one of them so many times that it broke apart, so I finally had to order another one. It came to today and now my hubby is much happier, because sometimes even though you could put it back together, if you closed the fridge too hard it would fall off and break apart.

August 9

Cousin night! Cameron took this picture of London, he took several actually, but this was the best one. He doesn't actually look through the view finder yet, he just points and shoots, so I figured a decent one deserved the spotlight.

August 8

Today was Caleb's first day back to school. Yesterday afternoon he pulled out the drill and when I asked him what he was doing, he said "I have to finish the one home improvement project you gave me this summer before I start school tomorrow." We have some white rope lights above our kitchen cabinets, but it has always bothered me that the cord had to run down the side of cabinets. During a recent ant raid while I was spaying on top of the cabinets I found a void between two different cabinets, so we would be able to drill a hole through that instead of through one of the actual cabinets, with all the shelves. He also got this super cool little switch thing so we can just keep it plugged in all the time.

August 7

For those of you who don't already know, we have what must be the most sensitive smoke detector on the planet. I do know there are circumstances under which that would seem like a good thing, but sometimes it makes cooking dinner a little challenging. You can even set it off by having the setting on the toaster turned a little too dark. When I am making a meal that I know might create a little smoke we open up all the windows downstairs before I get started to allow for maximum air flow, but that doesn't always work. So, when I'm cooking our routine goes like this; Beeping ensues>Caleb get's up>I toss a kitchen towel to him>Which he then fans underneath the smoke detector to get it to stop. It would seem now that Cameron has seen this so often that he thought he would help out too.

August 6

NanaGrampy finally came home yesterday, so we went back to our Saturday night dinner routine right away! We went to Outback tonight, and Cameron was so excited to see Nana & Grampy that he asked to sit with them tonight.

August 5

Tonight Caleb made Cameron some quick sand. He spread the blanket out over his lap, then Cameron would crawl up and move forward very carefully until he sank in the space between the chair and the ottoman. It was pretty silly, but he thought it was so much fun.

August 4

For Cameron's birthday party this year we decided on a Handy Manny theme. Then I decided I really wanted to make his birthday cake look like a tool box and wanted to try to make all the tools out of marzipan so they could stick out of the tool box cake. I knew this would mean some practice ahead of time, and today was my first shot. I was able to make all of the tools, and was pretty happy with how I did for my first try. I was happiest with Dusty, isn't she so cute??? Of course I will color the marzipan, but today was just meant to be a trial to see if I could even get close to what I was envisioning. So here's a little sample of the super cuteness that's in store. I'm so excited!

August 3

Hey is that a Hidden Mickey with my dinner?!? Tonight we had an all bowl dinner, which I thought was a waste of dishes at first, but Caleb told me I was being silly. Luckily all the bowls together made a perfect proportioned Mickey head! Hehe.

August 2

Tonight we had to go pick up Caleb's car from the shop (it had a little boo boo that we needed to get fixed) after I got home from work. Once I got home, we went over to pick up Caleb's car and then drove to Big O Tires to drop off my car for an oil change the next day. We were able to manage all this car work because NanaGrampy are still in Virginia and we were able to use my mom's car so that we still had 2 cars to use, which made it so much easier! After all that, it would have been too late to go home and make something for dinner, so we stopped at Claim Jumper before heading out on that adventure. Here's Cameron playing checkers, he knew what it was as soon as he saw the table because in one of the Toy Storys Woody plays checkers with Slinky.

August 1

Tonight after work we went over to Mee Maw's house to celebrate Aaron's birthday. It was a nice evening out so as we sat in the back yard the little munchkins played. I guess they don't need water in a pool to be happy.

July 31

Ok, sorry it has been so long since I posted. I didn't mean to get so far behind, I guess it just sort of happened. I think this is the farthest behind I have gotten since I started this project, so I guess I was due for a little setback right? Well then, let's catch up shall we?

Here is my silly boy scrunched up between Caleb's back and the couch cushion. I guess he thought it looked like a comfy place.