Friday, November 30, 2012

November 18

We spent of the day up at Grandmama and Grandpapa's house. Once again tonight Cameron was fast asleep in the car about half way through our drive home.

November 17

Tonight the boys and I went to dinner with Nana & Grampy and after dinner had to drive up to NanaGrampy's house because Cameron had forgotten Mickey there earlier. We pulled into the garage at home and I had two sleepy head boys in the back seat.

November 16

Getting some Carter boy love before bedtime. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 15

And in the most recent Cameron schoolwork installment is this cute leaf wreath. 

November 14

On Friday Cameron made this Turkey at school and we brought it home today. He said, "Look mommy, we used the leaves to look the the Turkey's feathers!"

November 12

Cameron started making some cute little fall projects at school. When we brought these home I asked him if he would like to pick a place to hang them on the wall. He was so excited to do that and picked this spot all on his own.

November 11

Happy boy!

November 10

Today our Christmas Tree farm opened up so we got there first thing in the morning to reserve our tree and nanagrampy's tree. Cameron was sooo excited!

November 9

And these are my new Thanksgiving decorations! How cute, right?!?

November 8

This year for my birthday Auntie Kathy made me some new Fall and Thanksgiving decorations. She once overheard Kim making fun of me for having one Thanksgiving decoration (which was also made by Auntie Kathy) so now I have more! This is a super cute Fall wreath made out of cute cardstocky type stuff.

November 7

Carter has become really interested in Phipps. He gets so excited when he sees him and if Phipps is in sight Carter is both watching him and trying to get to him. 

November 6

This morning my dad came over to watch the boys while Caleb and I headed out to the polls right about 7am. Then we had Cameron's first parent teacher conference at 8. Caleb has a rotating schedule at school so every day his planning hour is a different time of day. This morning is just so happened that his planning was the first period of the day so we were able to schedule Cameron's conference for her first time slot, allowing the both of us to be there. Here is a picture of the bottom of Cameron's little progress report.

November 5

Carter holding his little cheek while he slept.

November 4

Sleeping close up...

November 3

Today we celebrated Auntie Janet and Rick's birthdays. These kiddies had a great time playing in the back yard all afternoon. 

November 2

Carter boy is constantly standing up now. If he can get his hands onto something he can pull himself up. I love this picture of these guys.

November 1

Today Cameron's friend Austin invited him to come play at the park. So Cameron, Carter, and I went to meet Austin so the big boys could play for a while. We were there for about 2 hours and they ran and played nonstop.

October 31

Happy Halloween! Today Cameron got to wear his costume to school and the afternoon preschool and kindergarten classes had a little costume parade. 

Here's Cameron's class after the parade. In the back center of the picture is his teacher Ms. Hill-Martinez, to her left is Miss Pat and to her right is Miss Jenny. 

My little Jake, Scully and I. 

Cameron's favorite part is passing out candy to kids after he has gone to a few houses himself. He just stands at the door waiting the whole time, and if it's been what he considers too long since anyone has been by he likes to go out to the sidewalk to see if anyone is coming. 

October 29

Today Carter and I went to Target while Cameron was at school so I thought I would try putting him straight into the cart for the first time. Those new plastic carts Target has make it a little hard for him to sit up straight but he seems to like it much better than sitting in his car seat which he is beginning to not enjoy unless we are actually driving. 

October 27

Tonight while getting Cameron into bed I laid Carter down next to him. Carter's eyes were only closed because of the bright flash on my phone. 

October 24

This afternoon Carter and I walked up to Cameron's school to pick him up and then we all walked home. It is just over a mile one way and although he asked a couple of times when we were going to get home Cameron did a great job. When we got home he started coloring something from school while eating a snack. I went upstairs to do a couple of things and when I came back down this is how I found him. Poor little guy was pretty worn out. 

October 23

I have been wanting to make Cameron some cozy cones to go along with his Lego Radiator Springs. We had found these little cones that are the perfect size and today I made each of them in to little motel cones. He has a few Lego cars that don't have their own place in Radiator Springs so Cameron he is happy he has a place for everyone to sleep at night. 

October 22

He found that darn ghost again! As you can see he can now pull himself up to standing while holding on to something. Cameron is really not enjoying that so many things that were once safe are now in Carter's reach. 

October 21

Today was London's birthday party. It was at a park which was great because there was a huge playground for the kids to run around in. Shenan found this HUGE Tinkerbell pinata, and yes that's Caleb holding on to the rope.

Post candy rummaging.

October 20

I made Carter some pumpkin baby food today (both plain pumpkin and pumpkin apple) and I decided to go ahead and toast up the seeds for me! I haven't ever roasted my own pumpkin seeds and I am now quite sure I will do it more often. So yummy! 

October 19

This afternoon Carter finally found the stairs while he was crawling around and exploring all the new territory that has opened up to him. Time to get the baby gates back out! 

October 18

When Cameron picked Jake for his Halloween costume we decided together that Carter could be Jake's parrot friend Scully. There isn't an actual Scully costume but I did find this cute parrot costume.

October 15

I seem to be getting more and more opportunities for pictures like this of Cameron after dinner. Now that he doesn't really ever nap anymore his late afternoons and evenings tend to be quite a bit fussier, and as you can see he sometimes doesn't make it through his dinner. He wakes up so early in the morning he really could use a nap every day but no matter what we have tried he just seems to have outgrown it. So, all we can do is keep moving his bed time earlier a little bit at a time so he can get more rest. 

October 14

Caleb took this shot of the Pantages as we were waiting to cross the street. He has been saying for quite some time that as soon as The Book of Mormon came out this way he wanted to go see it. So some time last month we heard a commercial on the radio and got some tickets for our anniversary. It was so funny and we had a great time. 

October 13

First time sitting in a high chair at a restaurant! He was a happy boy and spent the whole time looking at everything going on around us. 

October 12

Here's our happy baby. I bought this cute little Halloween onesie for Cameron's second Halloween when he was 1 year old. Here's 7 month old Carter wearing it, and it's not big on him either!
This is also the day he first started crawling! 

October 11

Testing some fresh bought ice cream that Grampy bought at the store. 

October 10

Miles and Layla playing the Disney XBox Kinect game Rush while Cameron was at school.

October 9

Today Cameron had his 4 year check up. Clearly this is a happy smiling boy before he got 3 shots! Oh my goodness, I have never seen him scream and fight the way he did for those shots. Sheesh! 

This week Miles and Layla didn't have school so they got to come over every day, which Cameron LOVED! He had so much fun playing with them. They went with us to Cameron's appointment and not even they could calm him down after those shots. So finally while driving home I asked the hysterical Cameron is he would like to go to the pumpkin patch today and boy did those tears dry up. 

October 8

Happy 4th Birthday to our sweet boy! 

This evening Cameron got to Face Time with Auntie, Uncle Chris and Aaron for his birthday so while we were doing that he was able to open his presents from them so they could watch him. He got four more Lego Cars and this is a picture of him holding up the completed Francesco.

October 7

Here's the Birthday Boy excited and ready for his party to start. 

The finished birthday cake.

Blowing out his candles.

Cameron got A LOT of cars Lego's for his birthday and Caleb let him pick one of them to put together after everyone had gone home. He wanted to put his new Mack together, which has a ton of pieces! 

October 6

Today was party prep day. Cameron's birthday party is tomorrow, so I spent all day getting the food ready. I planned a menu that wouldn't require very much day of work, and no cooking during the party but hat did mean everything needed to be done today. There was a lot to do, these little cakelets were for Cameron's Cars Birthday Cake. I was really happy with how they turned out. 

October 5

Little Carter boy talking to his Daddy. 

October 3

Time for Cameron to get his teeth cleaned! He's always such a good boy at the dentists office, this time he had some x-rays and a cleaning and everything is looking great!