Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 28

This morning while I was getting ready Cameron was watching the Disney Channel in the bedroom. I peeked in to check on him and all on his own he stood the pillows up and set he and Mickey up for some comfortable TV viewing.

September 27

Well, here's the next step in Cameron's potty training process. A few days ago Cameron wanted to start sitting on the big potty, so we got him some little potty seats so he doesn't fall in and cheap little step stools. Time to pack up the little potty chairs!

September 26

Cameron noticed tonight that Grampy forgot his hat here earlier today, so of course he wore it around for a little while.

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 25

NanaGrampy came over to watch football today, and my mom made a Pioneer Woman's pot roast recipe for dinner that was delicious. When it was time to go Cameron got down on his knees, grabbed on to Grampy's legs and said "I'm ready to ride Grampy". While Grampy walked Cameron held on and walked on his knees. Silly boy.

September 24

A few weeks ago Caleb told me he has planned something for tonight to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. Every year for our anniversary we go by ourselves to Disneyland but Caleb thought 5 years deserved a little something extra as well. So I didn't get to know anything about our evening until we got there. He told me how I should dress but nothing about where we were going or what we were doing. We drove to Hollywood and ended up parking at the Kodak Theater. We went to dinner at The Grill on Hollywood, which was very good! Then we went to see Cirque Du Soleil's Iris (A Journey Through The World Of Cinema). It was so wonderful, and such a great surprise!

September 23

Each night, when Caleb and I are watching some TV downstairs there comes a certain time where Phipps thinks we should be upstairs for bed. So every night, like clockwork, he will sit on the stairs and relentlessly meow at us until we finally go upstairs. I don't know how his little internal clock does it but he definitely knows how to put the pressure on.

September 22

Tonight Cameron and I made some raspberry ice cream with the yummy raspberries that we picked over the weekend in Oak Glen. Looks yummy right?

September 21

 We started our day off this morning with a trip to the dentist. This is the fourth time he has been, and the second time they have done an actual cleaning. Here he is sitting all by himself like a big boy to get some X-Rays. He was such a good boy, and he sat so still and did everything the dental assistant asked him to.
Getting his little teeth cleaned. 
 This evening instead of our usual cousin night last night, we decided to have cousin night at the fair. Shenan brought London's big super duper wagon to pull them in.
 Checking out a goat.
 Running on some hay.
 Look at those cute little baby cows!

I think that cow was trying to eat my niece and son!

September 20

Today Grampy came over for a little while, and Cameron sometimes likes to wear his hats. So when he needed to use the potty, he turned Grampy's hat backwards. He doesn't seem too happy that I caught a picture of him in this moment though.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 19

Sometimes Cameron likes to set up the beginning of Toy Story just to sing along with "You've Got A Friend In Me". Today he got out a microphone that he's allowed to play with and started the song over and over again about 15 times. The video was a little too long for me to post directly to my blog, so here's a YouTube link.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18

Some fresh baked raspberry muffins with a warm cup of coffee. What a great Sunday morning breakfast.

September 17

Today Cameron, Nana and I went up to Oak Glen to pick some raspberries and get some yummy apples.
 Cameron's little hand reaching into the bag for some just cooked warm apple cider mini donuts sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.
 Taking a bite, so so yummy.
 Picking some raspberries.

 Putting them in our baskets.

What we came home with, pretty good huh?

September 16

Today I watched London all day while Shenan was at work.
 Lunch time with the rascals...
 Look at that beautiful smile! Such a great picture, I should probably send it to her mommy.
Here they are drinking some smoooovies (that's how Cameron says it).

September 15

Cameron usually likes to "share" our breakfasts with us as he puts it. This morning he got a large portion of Caleb's cheddarwurst.

September 14

Happy Birthday to my Hubby!
 Caleb really likes cheesecake and I don't like it at all, so it's not something I have ever even attempted to make. So I wanted to try to make it for Caleb's birthday. I found a low carb recipe with no crust and splenda. Caleb says it was good, but since I didn't taste it and have never even made it before I have no idea if it turned out like it was supposed to. 

September 13

Happy Birthday to my sister! 

 I got an awesome new ice cream maker from Deb & Jim for my birthday. I took the little paper wrapper that was around the bowl and Cameron swiped it and put it straight onto his head. Hehe. 

Here is some chocolate ice cream in the works. It was super easy and so quick! Hooray!

September 12

Tonight we had birthday dinner for Caleb & I at Mee Maw & Grandpa Jim's house. Deb made some delicious fajitas with beans and salad. This was our super yummy dessert, poached pears with some ice cream and a chocolate ganache.

September 11

Today was our family birthday party at my parents house. We started off with some swim time. 

 Cameron & Madalyn sitting together on a raft. 
 Jumping in to Grampy.
 Helping Malinda feed baby Emmersyn.
 He was so excited to get to hold her. He spent almost the whole time watching her and talking to her.
Our yummy chocolate birthday cake!

September 10

Disneyland Day!

 Cameron's ready to go...

 I love these guys! What a great picture right?

 Today was the first time Cameron has gone on the Monsters Inc. ride since he has seen the movie. Right when we got off the ride we found Sully from the movie and Cameron was so excited to go take a picture with him. 

 Then we had time to go over and get a picture with Boo too.
 Passed out before we even made it to the tram. 

Then to top the day off my parents took us out for our birthday dinner at Flemings. Deeelicious!

September 9

 Happy Birthday to Me!!! Here is what Caleb and Cameron got me for my birthday. An awesome new point and shoot camera. My old point and shoot no longer takes the best quality photos and getting the photos off it is really a big hassle as well. So with all these pictures I take now I wanted a good quality option to our big camera that I can always have with me. 

Look at how big that screen is! I love it!